Many people are trying to get their names written in lights.
Whether it is from performing music to producing music, everyone is trying to
find his or her way into the industry. Thirty-eight billion dollars is how much
the music industry generates each year around the world. The United States
makes up for one-third of the worlds music income. First thing that is always
thought of is getting to the big labels, but what if one has no way of getting
there? The next thing that is thought of is trying the indie labels. They are
the middlemen of the music industry, introducing the artists to the world of
fame and fortune. Some want to become one of these middlemen, such as myself,
but how many are successful and what are the costs for starting this business?
Is this a business someone should risk starting?
Recently, many people have been going to school for
recording and mixing. This puts the ones without schooling at a disadvantage. No
matter the knowledge gained prior to owning a studio, one still has to take into
effect that a studio is a business and businesses take money and time. The
startup cost of a studio, even an at home studio, can be between ten thousand
to fifty thousand dollars. The equipment can take time and money to gather.
Depending on the selection of consoles, microphones, instruments, cables, and
computers/software, expenses can cost anywhere from fifty thousand to two-hundred fifty thousand dollars.
Of course these expenses are paid for when bought, unlike the bills and rent payments,
which occur monthly.
The other thing that people forget to recognize when opening
a studio is the artist. They are the source of the revenue for the business.
Without them, there wouldn’t be a studio in existence. People have to think of
the payment of the artist, their royalties, their advances (if any), etc. These
prices could pile up quickly and cause a business to lose money instead of gain
money. Every artist wants to see their name in lights and the studio owner is
in charge of making this happen. More people need to think rationally and look
at the numbers before jumping in over their heads. Is this a business you would
risk starting?